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Accessory Minerals in Salt Domes and Caprock on Salt Domes

A contribution by Dr. Benjamin Brunner, The University of Texas at El Paso, in the framework of short talks on “Salty perspectives: new research endeavors in Salt Tectonics at UTEP”

Caprocks are an assemblage of lithologies that can be found on top, and more rarely, in flanking positions on salt diapirs (Jackson et al., 2013). The lithologies commonly found begin with anhydrite (CaSO4), which is located closest to the salt, followed by gypsum (CaSO4•2H2O) and then, occasionally, carbonate dominated lithologies referred to as carbonate caprock (Labrado et al., 2019). The accumulation of anhydrite and gypsum is caused by the dissolution of salt (NaCl) in the top of a salt diapir, with the less soluble sulfate salts preserved. Carbonate caprocks result from a subsequent process that replaces gypsum with carbonate, the latter being supplied by the oxidation of constituents from oil and gas that is coupled to the consumption of sulfate by sulfate-reducing microbes. In some cases, such as many salt domes in the Gulf Coast, the carbonate caprock is associated with large native sulfur deposits (Long, 1992). Predominantly, the carbonate caprock is calcitic. Dolomitic caprock has been reported for the Spindletop salt dome, Beaumont, Texas, (challenged by Barton and Paxson, 1925), for caprock in Southern Australia (Kernen et al., 2019), and at the Gypsum Valley salt wall, Colorado (Lerer, 2017; Poe et al., 2018).


Accessory minerals in anhydrite, gypsum and carbonate caprock have great potential to help fill the gaps in the understanding of caprock formation. Their presence or absence serve as indicators for geochemical conditions, such as pH, alkalinity, oxidation state, or presence of reactive constituents like sulfide or O2. More than 18 accessory minerals have been reported from salt from Gulf Coast diapirs, which originates from the Jurassic Louann Salt (Taylor, 1937; Simmons, 1988; for a compilation, see attached table). Not counting numerous sulfide minerals (Saunders and Thomas, 1996), 10 accessory minerals have been reported for anhydrite and gypsum caprock from Sulphur Salt Dome, Louisiana (Goldman, 1952). For carbonate caprock, we know from thin sections that quartz, sulfide minerals, native sulfur, clays, and organic matter are present. It is unclear if the accessory minerals in the carbonate caprock are identical to those from the sulfate-salt caprock or salt diapir, have undergone alteration, or are entirely new. For the case that these minerals are identical to those from precursor caprock, it has not been assessed if their relative concentration has increased or decreased, or whether some minerals have vanished during the transformation from sulfate to carbonate caprock. We even lack a comprehensive inventory of accessory minerals in carbonate caprock, and there is no reliably tested sampling protocol for the extraction of the various phases.


Barton, D.C., and Paxson, R.B., 1925, The Spindletop Salt Dome and Oil Field Jefferson County, Texas: AAPG Bulletin, v. 9, p. 594–612.


Goldman, M.I., 1952, Deformation, Metamorphism, and Mineralization in Gypsum-anhydrite Cap Rock Sulphur Salt Dome, Louisiana: Geological Society of America, v. 50.


Jackson, C.A.-L., Lewis, M.M., and Mannie, A.S., 2013, Characterization and Origin of Anhydrite-Rich ‘Lateral Caprock’ Adjacent to Halite-Cored Salt Diapirs; Implications for Prospectivity in Salt Basins, #41254 (2013): Search and Discovery Article #41254, p. 18.


Kernen, R., Giles, K., L Poe, P., Gannaway Dalton, C.E., Rowan, M., Fiduk, C., and Hearon, T., 2019, Origin of the Neoproterozoic rim dolomite as lateral carbonate caprock, Patawarta Salt Sheet, Flinders Ranges, South Australia: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences.


Labrado, A.L., Brunner, B., Bernasconi, S.M., and Peckmann, J., 2019, Formation of Large Native Sulfur Deposits Does Not Require Molecular Oxygen: Frontiers in Microbiology, v. 10, doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.00024.


Lerer, K., 2017, Gypsum, Calcite, and Dolomite Caprock Fabrics and Geochemistry from the Gypsum Valley Salt Diapir, Paradox Basin, Southwestern Colorado: ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso, p. 1–177.


Long, K.R., 1992, Descriptive Model of Salt-dome Sulfur and Contained-sulfur Model for Salt-dome Sulfur: US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey.


Poe, P., Giles, K., Brunner, B., Lerer, K., Kernen, R., and Labrado, A.L., 2018, Identification of Lateral Carbonate Caprock Flanking Paradox Basin Salt Walls, Utah and Colorado,


Saunders, J.A., and Thomas, R.C., 1996, Origin of ‘exotic’ minerals in Mississippi salt dome cap rocks: results of reaction-path modeling: Applied Geochemistry, v. 11, p. 667–676, doi:10.1016/S0883-2927(96)00032-7.


Simmons, W.B., 1988, Boron Mineralization in the Louann Salt and Norphlet Shale Clarke County, Alabama: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, p. 8.


Taylor, R.E., 1937, Water-insoluble residues in rock salt of Louisiana salt plugs: AAPG Bulletin, v. 21, p. 1268–1310.


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