Stay Up To Date With EPGS

2023 SWS-AAPG Annual Convention | May 6-9, 2023 | Join us for the 100th Anniversary of the North Texas Geological Society at the 2023 SWS-AAPG meeting in Wichita Falls. Key-note speaker Dr. Kurt Rudolph, will speak on “The Assembly of Pangea, a view from Laurentia – Paleozoic Orogenies and their Impact on Basin Evolution and Petroleum Systems”. |
2022 SWS-AAPG Annual Convention | May 2-4, 2022 | Come share your knowledge and experiences with your fellow geoscientist, and make "Combining Scales of Geology to the Reservoir" possible. See you at the AAPG-SWS Conference on May 2! |
2021 Bill Hailey Memorial Short Course | Open to All! | SWS-AAPG is excited to announce the 2021 Virtual Bill Hailey Memorial Short Course on February 3rd. Registration is free to all Active AAPG Members in the Southwest Section or active members of a SWS affiliated Geological Society.
Please see course registration flyer for details or visit https://www.fwgs.org/events-1/2021-sws-aapg-bill-hailey-continuing-education-short-course to register. |
WTGS Fall Symposium | September 23, 2020 | The West Texas Geological Society will host a Virtual Symposium this year on September 23rd, 2020, a very short time from now. Yes, this month! Register at www.wtgs.org |
Thinking Like an Independent | Webinar by James A. Gibbs | “Thinking like an independent” cites lessons gleaned from knowing and listening to successful independents through the years and offers some suggestions that may be helpful in resetting an individual’s goals and strategies for the future. |
OCTOBER MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30 PM | Join us October 10th for a little competition! Ben Brunner will bring his 3D puzzle of Swiss Geology. We will divide up into teams and compete to see who can put Switzerland together the fastest!! |
SEPTEMBER MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30 PM | Welcome Back! EPGS is back in action and planning our Fall Field Trip! Options we are looking at are
We are also looking for a Secretary and Vice President - if you are interested, let Amanda know! |
MAY MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30 PM | It's almost time for Summer Break when everyone's off for internships..... |
CHIHUAHUA'S OPENING DAY GAME | 6:05 PM | It's time for the EPGS SPRING SOCIAL!! Join us at the Southwestern University Ball Park! Contact A. Labrado or G. Arnold for ticket information |
MARCH MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30 PM | This week at the HOPPY MONK. Come out and show your support for the UTEP Geology Club. Small Spring Field Trip - Dripping Springs Trail & Hot Springs in T or C. DON'T FORGET - Chihuahua's Opening Day Game, April 4th, Gates open at 6:05PM |
FEBRUARY MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30 PM | Final Vote on Spring Field Trip location
SAVE THE DATE! Chihuahua’s Opening Day Game - April 4, 2019 |
JANUARY MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30 PM | Nominations for AAPG SWS Awards for the Adams Distinguished Service Award, the Distinguished Educator Award, and for the Cheney Science Award. Nominations for Spring Field Trip location
Join us! Chihuahua’s Opening Day Game - April 4, 2019 |
DECEMBER MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30 PM | AAPG SWS meeting in Dallas – April 6-9, 2019
Spring Field Trip Due to the success of the Fall Field trips, we are thinking about adding a Spring Field trip, either as an overnight, or as single-day event, or both. Suggestions for locality
2018 FALL FIELD TRIP | Nov 2-4 | City of Rocks State Park Boulder-ing at the park Faywood Hot Springs Wine-tasting at St. Claire |
OCTOBER MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30 PM | Fall Field Trip – Rescheduled to Nov 2-4 to avoid conflict with NMGS field trip/GSA Annual Conference/ Earth Science Day. Location selected – City of Rocks State Park/Faywood Hot Springs. Will repeat wine-tasting at St. Claire. AWG Sun City Chapter members will also be invited.
EPGS will have a booth at the EPCC Earth Science Day event – October 17th |
SEPTEMBER MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30 PM | WELCOME BACK! Now that things are starting to cool off it's time to get down to business :) |
SUMMER BREAK | It's hot out and President Bailey is off to Houston for an internship. See us back here in September!! | |
APRIL - THE AAPG SWS ANNUAL CONVENTION IS IN EL PASO | It's a crazy time, but we are thrilled to be hosting the AAPG SWS Annual Convention. | |
MARCH MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30PM | 2018 SWS AAPG Annual Convention!! ONLY BUSINESS FOR THIS MEETING DON'T FORGET Close the Convention with the Chihuahaus We have the Fiesta Patio for the opening night game on April 10th |
FEBRUARY MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30PM | Presentation by Brian Hampton, NMSU "Sedimentation dispersal trends and timing of basement-block uplift during the Early Permian phase of the Ancestral Rocky Mountains, New Mexico" |
JANUARY MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30PM | Happy New Year! EPGS Meetings will resume in February. Until then - stay cozy! |
DECEMBER MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30 PM | Meet us at the Angry Owl, 4799 N Mesa St. -Presentation by Alan Vennemann– Near-Surface & High Resolution Seismic Imaging of the Bennett Thrust Fault in the Indio Mountains of West Texas. |
NOVEMBER MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30 PM | TOPICS FOR THIS WEEK -Update from SWS Board of Directors -2018 AAPG SWS Annual Convention website is LIVE -Presentation by Andy Anderson – Depositional controls and sequence stratigraphy of a lacustrine to marine transgression in the Indio Mts. |
EPGS FALL FIELD TRIP | Rockhound State Park, NM | Thundereggs? Jasper? Geodes? Rockhound State Park has it all! |
OCTOBER MONTHLY MEETING | 5:30 PM | TOPICS FOR THIS WEEK -Fall Field Trip update -Preview the 2018 AAPG SWS Annual Convention website -Nominations! We need nominations for President-elect! |